Roman Kowalik
Prowadzę kancelarię adwokacką od wielu lat. Moje doświadczenie gwarantuje klientom, że ich sprawy są pod dobrą opieką.

Piotr Grzywczak
Jedną z moich dewiz życiowych jest całkowita dokładność. Dokładam wszelkich starań, aby kwestie podatkowe nie były dla klientów żadnym obciążeniem.
Home > Roman Kowalik & Associates Law Office

About the Law Office

Welcome to the Roman Kowalik & Associates Law Office Web Site.
Our scope of business include legal advice within the following areas:

  • tax law,
  • economic law,
  • commercial law,
  • labour law.

We operate on Polish market since year 1996. Our clients are mainly corporate entities with businesses on Polish market. For those interested, we provide up-to-date information on numerous changes to selected regulations from the fields of economic, tax, and labour law.

Our clients also have the possibility to read through our current studies and important interpretations, which cover the topics we encounter in our every-day expertise. Those interested in becoming one of our clients are presented with an offer of legal advice offering and a special Phone Legal Advice offer. We also give the details on pricing and direct contact information for ensuring seamless communication between our staff and clients.

You are welcome to share your issues and experiences with us through our contact form.