The Law Office Roman Kowalik & Associates, a Limited Partnership, provides its customers with legal advisory services since year 1996 (until 1998 under the name of INFOR CONSULTING LTD.) The main stream of our business is end-to-end legal service for corporate clients.
We are specialized mainly in services involving tax law, customs law, penal revenue law, commercial law, labour law and insurance law.
Our Legal Office offers:
Commercial conduct - Roman Kowalik
Taxes - Pawe³ S³ojewski, Piotr Grzywczak
Tax and insurance law - Pawe³ S³ojewski, Piotr Grzywczak
Legal services for EU projects and public offerings - Dariusz Pielak
You are welcome to place inquiries and cooperation offers, as well as contact us for further details of our offer:
By mail:
ul. Zielna 39, 00-108 Warszawa
By phone:
(0-22) 627-05-17, (0-22) 627-05-18
By fax:
(0-22) 627-17-09
or by our contact form.