Paweł Słojewski
Prawo pracy i ubezpieczenia społeczne nie mają dla mnie tajemnic. Mogą być Państwo pewni, że udzielane przeze mnie porady wynikają z bieżących analiz i precyzyjnych informacji. Jestem także zaangażowany w działalność społeczną.

Piotr Grzywczak
Jedną z moich dewiz życiowych jest całkowita dokładność. Dokładam wszelkich starań, aby kwestie podatkowe nie były dla klientów żadnym obciążeniem.
Home > Phone Legal Advice

Phone Legal Advices

Whenever you have a problem to solve - just make a call. Our law specialists will help you to deal with it by giving you advice over the phone.

Due to the constant rise of demand for direct advisory services, we have organized a Phone Legal Advice service model in 1997.

Currenty the service model is being further developed by adding direct customer care by a selected specialist (law or tax specialization). Besides standard advice, the specialist shall also deal with any issue pointed by a client, consult other law specialists or create a short written opinion with legal basis of his interpretation, and contact the client right away.

Phone legal advice can be also of use to enterprise-class clients, as a constant access to law advice for its employees or a valuable addition to the process of cooperation with other companies and distributors.

The pricing of Phone Legal Advice is compelling compared to other plans on market. Prices are negotiable and highly dependable on the real client's needs.

For further inquiries on this matter, please contact Mr. Roman Kowalik - ph. 0-22 627-05-17 (18) or contact us by our contact form.

On behalf of R. Kowalik & Associates

Roman Kowalik
General Partner